Email: bprc* (Please replace * with @)
Date & Time
Thu., May. 23, 2024 16:20-17:50
Onsite & Online Hybrid
Place: Engineering 110 Lecture Room, Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University
Online: If you are online, you need to apply.
Commentary: Yukihiko MATSUMURA
Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
Lecture: Qiuyu YU
M2, Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society, Hiroshima University
“Supercritical Water Gasification Characteristics of Sake Residue Considering Feedstock Components”
Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) can directly convert biomass waste with high water content into combustible gases. It has a high efficiency and economic benefit since no drying process is required. Sake residue, as a biomass waste with high moisture content and low ash content, shows potential to be a new source of bioenergy. So, it is very necessary to understand the characteristics of its SCWG. The purpose of this study is to conduct SCWG of sake residue to find out its reaction characteristics. In addition, the liquid and solid phases of sake residue were gasified separately in order to confirm the detailed reaction mechanism. The effect of activated carbon (AC) was also investigated.
Lecture: Mitsuru AOYAGI
Associate Professor, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
“Synthesis of liner-typed lignin derivatives with high recyclablity directly from lignocellulosics”
Lignin in plant cell walls have never been utilized as materials sufficiently because of random and complicated condensations between lignin molecular chains through ordinary isolation processes under high temperature and high pressure. Through the phase-separation processes between phenols (anisoles) and acids, both linear-typed lignin derivatives and hydrolyzed carbohydrates are derived with high yields under room temperature and 1 atm. Reaction mechanisms and applications of these recyclable lignin derivatives are introduced in this presentation.
Chair: Yukihiko MATSUMURA
Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
For those who wish to participate
Please include the following 5 items (1-4 are required) in your email and write "I would like to participate in the evening seminar" in the subject line. Send the email to
- Participation Seminar: May. 23, 2024, 114th Hiroshima University Biomass Evening Seminar
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- Participation form: □Online □Face-to-face
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HOSTY Association (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)