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  • (February 21, Online Event) Join us for the HIRAKU-Global Annual Conference FY2024

(February 21, Online Event) Join us for the HIRAKU-Global Annual Conference FY2024

HIRAKU-Global Annual Conference FY2024

 "Maneuvering through the era of digitalized world: 
HIRAKU-Global Researchers’ journey FY2024"


Friday, February 21, 2025
1:00pm-5:00pm (JST)
(Online via Zoom Webinar)


The HIRAKU-Global Program will hold its Annual Conference for FY2024 as an online event on Friday, February 21, 2025.

This academic year, the six 3rd Cohort HIRAKU-Global Researchers (HGRs) who were selected in FY2022 have partaken in and received a mid-term evaluation from the HIRAKU-Global Program, and as a result, have been reflecting on their past research activities and reviewing their future goals and action plans. Therefore, within this year's Annual Conference, the 3rd Cohort of HGRs will outline how they will make further strides towards becoming world-class researchers by presenting upon their research vision and future plans. They will also receive comments from their experienced mentors.

Following the presentations, this year's keynote address will be delivered by Associate Professor FUNAMORI Miho from the National Institute of Informatics, titled "Open Science, the magic word—The changing nature of the academic sphere."

We look forward to the participation of Early Career Researchers (ECRs), from doctoral students/postdocs to young faculty members from any fields, who are striving to be world-class researchers or looking to broaden their horizon. We also welcome all of those who are interested in fostering ECRs.

Please click the above images to view the event flyer.

Date & Time

February 21, 2025 (Fri) 13:00 – 17:00 Japan Standard Time (JST)



Registration to Join the Audience

You can join the audience for this year's event by registering via the link below or the QR Code on the right.

Registration Link

Registration Deadline: 15:00 JST on February 20, 2025 (Thu)

*Note that we are planning to send information on how to access the event via e-mail once the registration deadline has passed.


MC: HIRAKU-Global Researchers

13:00 Opening Session

  • Opening Remarks
    MATSUKI Hitoshi, Executive Director and Vice President for Research, Tokushima University
  • Overview of the HIRAKU-Global Program
    AIDA Misako, Executive Manager of HIRAKU-Global Program in Hiroshima University
             Professor (Special Designation), Hiroshima University / Auditor, Ehime University

13:15 Presentation by the 3rd Cohort of HIRAKU-Global Researchers

  • ANDO Toshinori, Lecturer, Hiroshima University (Oral pathology)
  • INOUE Sayako, Assistant Professor, Ehime University (Earth science/ Mineralogy)
  • KOIKE Mizuho, Assistant Professor, Hiroshima University (Planetary science)
  • SATO Ryota, Assistant Professor, Tokushima University (Organic synthetic chemistry)
  • SATO Yu, Assistant Professor, Yamaguchi University (Genome microbiology)
  • WATANABE Chiho, Associate Professor, Hiroshima University (Soft matter)

15:20 Break

15:30 Keynote Lecture
"Open Science, the magic word—The changing nature of the academic sphere”

Lecturer: FUNAMORI Miho, Associate Professor
Information and Society Research Division & Research Center for Open Science and Data Platform, National Institute of Informatics

16:50 Closing Session

  • Closing Remarks
    TAJIMA Setsuko, Consortium Mentor, HIRAKU-Global Program
              Professor Emeritus, Osaka University


"Home for Innovative Researchers and Academic Knowledge Users Driving Global Impact (HIRAKU-Global)" under the "Strategic Professional Development Program for Young Researchers" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)


  • “Program for Developing and Supporting the Next-Generation of Innovative Researchers at Hiroshima University (SPRING)” under the "Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation” by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  • “Vigorous Development of the Next-Generation by Establishment of the Hiroshima University Fellowship for Female Graduate Students in Science and Technology” under the "Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Specific Correspondence Type)" by MEXT
Inquiries/Contact Information

HIRAKU-Global Office
Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration, Hiroshima University
E-mail: hiraku-global*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp  (replace * with @)
