
Below are the results through FY2023. The information for FY2024 is being prepared separately.


Yoshichika HONDA

【Message from the Director】

 Hiroshima University Beijing Research Center is our first overseas research and education center. It was established in October 2002 in Beijing, in the International Education Building of Capital Normal University. For around 20 years since then, with the help of many people, it has acted as a bridge between Japan and China. Through various activities to further deepen the interaction between the two countries, such as promoting academic and cultural exchanges, facilitating bilateral study abroad, offering Japanese language education, and actively introducing Japanese culture and information, it goes without saying that behind the efforts we have made so far, there is “The Pursuit of Peace”, one of the Five Guiding Principles of Hiroshima University.
 Hiroshima University Beijing Research Center is determined to continue fulfilling its missions through various activities. We would appreciate your continued cooperation and support.

Deputy Director

LI Junyang
(Professor, Capital Normal University)

Deputy Director

(Associate Professor, Capital Normal University)
