Life in Brazil -Study Abroad Report-

November 1st, 2016
Department of Law and Politics, Graduate School of Social Sciences
Takashi Kojiro


My name is Takashi Kojiro, and I am currently studying abroad at University of Sao Paulo. I was given the opportunity of writing a report about my everyday life during study abroad. Please enjoy.

I am a graduate school student studying laws, and my specialty is Criminal Procedure. Right now, to research more about Criminal Procedure in Brazil, I am studying abroad at the University of Sao Paulo’s Faculty of Law.

Actually, this is my second time studying abroad at University of Sao Paulo. Last time I studied for 7 months from August 2014 to February 2015. This study abroad is planned to last for about one year, starting from September. Last time I received scholarships from University of Sao Paolo and JASSO, but this time I am receiving a private-public partnered scholarship from “Tobitate Ryugaku JAPAN” (

About the Lectures at the University

The lectures held in University of Sao Paolo are mostly held in Portuguese. Some professors speak very fast; (to the point where even some Brazilians cannot keep up with their notes) the lectures where the teachers show references on a projector are a little easier to understand, but if they don’t have these, I am unable to keep up if the topics are out of my level of knowledge. Therefore, I ask my friends to send their notes, and try to reflect the classes with them.

(Picture above: Faculty of Law, University of Sao Paulo)

Activities held outside of Lectures

I am a coordinator of the Center for Asian Legal Studies (CELA) of University of Sao Paolo ( Every Monday I join the lectures held there, or invite speakers who have specialties in the Asian Legal Studies field.

At the end of October, I did a presentation on “Japan’s Introduction of Criminal Procedure and Plea Bargaining”. This was the first presentation I did in Portuguese, and because it was such a highly professional area, it was extremely difficult, but with the help of my friends, I was able to put it all together.

(Picture above: Lecture)
