マット運動の授業におけるCLIL体育の実践に関する研究 [磯村美菜子]

(概要) マット運動の授業におけるCLIL体育の実践に関する研究


(abstract) The Practical Study of “CLIL Taiiku” in Mat Exercises During Physical Education Classes

 In this study, “CLIL Taiiku” was practiced during mat exercises in physical education classes for the junior high school third-grade students. The aim of this study was to verify the achievements and issues of the practice. This practice applied “Light CLIL” and “Partial CLIL,” which included CLIL-like activities in the first half of the unit and part of the classes. As a result, it was clarified that continuous “CLIL Taiiku” affects the achievements in language and the cognitive activities improve with the “CLIL Taiiku.”
