International Exchange

Cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement

Hiroshima University and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a cooperative agreement on December 14, 2005 to enhance the mutual cooperative relationship in international cooperation for developing countries. (Updated on July 1, 2020)

Click for more details

Cooperation with the Former Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)

Hiroshima University and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) signed a cooperative agreement on July 27, 2004 to enhance cooperative relationship to efficiently and effectively sponsor international economic cooperation projects.

Click for more details (Japanese page)

Technical Cooperation Projects

This is one of JICA’s projects to establish a cooperation scheme according to the situations of developing countries. JICA effectively combines the activities of dispatching specialists, accepting trainees, and providing equipment while making use of the knowledge, experience, and technology of Japan and the developing countries to achieve specific results within a fixed period of time.
Hiroshima University, in particular the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), formed a joint venture with PADECO Co., Ltd., a private international consulting agency and accepted the following JICA projects through a competitive bid in 2004. In 2010, they were subsequently accepted the 2nd phase of the same project.
Also, in 2008, IDEC & PADECO accepted a JICA’s project in Cambodia.

2004-2010 The Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation Bangladesh
Strengthening Primary Teacher Training on Science and Mathematics
2010-2016 The Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation Bangladesh
Strengthening the capacity of teacher training in PTIs to improve classroom teaching
2008-2012 The Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation Cambodia
Science Teacher Education Project

JICA Partnership Program ("Kusanone")

This is a technical cooperation scheme implemented by JICA to contribute to the social and economic development of developing countries at the grassroots level in cooperation with Japanese partners or organizations, such as NGOs, universities, local governments and other public‐service corporations. It supports grass root pinpoint activities in directly helpful domains improving living and income of people in developing countries.

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Improving Access and Quality of Pre-primary Education in Rural Malawi
2023-2025 Epilepsy Center, Hiroshima University Hospital Project for Improving Epilepsy Diagnostic Capability and Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Kathmandu and Surrounding Areas
2015-2018 Graduate School of Social Sciences Global Hiroshima Project Enhance Peace-building Human Resource Development for the Bangsamoro Government in Mindanao, the Philippines
2014-2016 Graduate School of Social Sciences Philippines
Development of Human Resources in Bangsamoro Autonomous Government in Mindanao, Philippines
- Peacebuilding Support from Hiroshima -

Acceptance of Trainees

Hiroshima University actively accepts trainees from developing countries based on training programs conducted by JICA (JICA training programs include (1) Training and Dialogue Programs originate as a proposal from Japan to a developing country and are carried out only after a corresponding request is received, (2) Projects for Country Focused Training and Dialogue are carried out in response to a specific request from a developing country, (3) Long-Term Training for earning degrees.)

[Number of Accepted Trainees (Except Long-Term Training)]

Academic Year Total Number
2023 74
2022 54
2021 41
2020 36
2019 55
2018 58
2017 49
2016 46
2015 43
2014 31
2013 and Earlier (total) 848


Training Courses (since 2008)

[Training and Dialogue Programs]

Group Training Practice of Science Education for Secondary School
Asia Region Promotion of Non-formal Education for Asia
Group Training Sustainable Tourism Development through Community Based Approach
Africa Region Capacity Development for Research-based Policy Formulation towards Quality Improvement in Education for Sub-Saharan Africa
Group Training Biomass Utilization System
Africa Region
(French-speaking countries)
INSET Management in Africa (Anglophone and Francophone Countries)
Africa Region
(English-speaking countries)
INSET Management in Africa (Anglophone and Francophone Countries)
Africa Region (Malawi only) INSET Management in Africa (Anglophone and Francophone Countries)
Asia Region Improvement of Quality of Education through Lesson Study in Asia
Africa Region Sustainable Tourism Development in African Countries (Community Based Tourism Planning)
Group Training Capacity Development for Policy Analysis Using Research Results and Field Knowledge for Education Quality Improvement
Group Training Education for Peace through Promoting Mutual Understanding
Group Training Promotion and Dissemination of Biomass Utilization Technology
Group Training Capacity Development on Educational Policy Development and Analysis of the Effectiveness of Those Policies
Africa Region Mathematics Curriculum Development at Primary Level
Asia Region Early Childhood Development (Asia)
Africa Region School-Based Learning Improvement and Support from Education Administration


[Country Focused Training and Dialogue]

South Africa In-Service Teacher Education and Training in Science and Mathematics
Indonesia Medical Image Processing
Eritrea Improvement of Higher Education System through Japanese Experience
Zambia Educational Administration
Myanmar Strengthen Mathematics Teaching Methods
Liberia Enhancement of Governance for Building Peace
Bangladesh Improvement of Primary Education Administration
Zambia Curriculum Development of Science and Mathematics Education
Philippines CD-CAAM C/P on Community Development
Bangladesh Textbook and Curriculum
Zambia Methodology of Kyozai-Kenkyu in Primary and Secondary –Mathematics -
Bangladesh Implementation And Evaluation of The Primary Curriculum In Science And Mathematics In Bangladesh
Iraq Knowledge Sharing Seminar between Japan and Iraq
Zambia Methodology of Kyozai-Kenkyu in Primary and Secondary –Science -
Malawi Curriculum Development in Teacher Training Institutions
Zambia PCK Promotion in Science and Mathematics Education through Collaboration between Teacher Training Educations and the Attached Schools
Zambia Improvement of Science and Mathematics Classroom Teaching Skills based on PCK
Syria Intensive Japanese Course for JISR International Students


[Long-Term Training]

Vietnam Enhancing capacity of Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology in Environment Protection
Iraq Irrigation and Water Resources soil
Iraq Educational Development
Africa  *Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Zambia Qualitative Improvement of Primary and Secondary Education
Ghana Strengthening Capacity of Financial Economic official in Ministry of Economic Planning
Asia  *Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh Qualitative Improvement of Primary and Secondary Education in Science and Mathematics
Indonesia Climate Change Issues
Rwanda Qualitative Improvement of Primary and Secondary Education


In addition to the programs listed above, we also send academic staff as lecturers to JICA training programs conducted in Japan.

Dispatching of Experts

At the request of JICA in its technical cooperation projects, development surveys and project evaluation in developing countries, Hiroshima University cooperates in the transfer of knowledge and technology by dispatching faculties specializing in agriculture, engineering, public administration and international cooperation development, either on a long-term or short-term basis.

[Number of Experts Dispatched]

Academic Year Total Number
2023 10
2022 8
2021 1
2020 0
2019 8
2018 7
2017 9
2016 11
2015 5
2014 16
2013 and Earlier (total) 274


International Students

2011-2019 (2013) The Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation Afghanistan
Project for the Promotion and Enhancement of the Afghan Capacity for Effective Development(PEACE)

Other Projects

JOCV Zambia Special Education Program

This program is a special education program conducted jointly by Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) and JICA’s Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV).
During the two years of the Master's course, students participate in activities as members of JOCV in Zambia. In the meantime, they also receive academic guidance from their instructors in IDEC. After coming back to Japan, students write their Master's thesis by compiling the theory and practice of educational cooperation they gained from the field work. The aim of the program is to train students to be human resources in development cooperation by enhancing their qualifications and abilities through on-site practices.

Click for more details (Japanese page)

Personnel Exchanges with JICA

From 2010, Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) has started accepting staff of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as part of the personnel exchange project. Personnel are engaged in Hiroshima University’s education, research, social contribution, and cooperation activities with JICA.

[Actual figures of personnel exchange]

Period Numbers of personnel
2022.7.1- 1
2019.7.1-2022.6.30 1
2016.4.1-2019.3.31 1
2013.4.1-2016.3.31 1
2010.4.1-2013.3.31 1

