広島大学 産学・地域連携推進部 アントレプレナー教育部門
e-mail: startup*hiroshima-u.ac.jp(*は半角@に置き換えてください)
This coming February, we are offering a 7-day program in English for students and researchers interested in entrepreneurship. THe program features fieldwork in the Tadanoumi-Okunoshima Island area in Hiroshima. Joining together with students from Indian business school(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad), participants will form teams to ideate and test ideas through discussions, fieldwork and prototyping, in order to propose solutions to the food issues related to the Rabbit Island and its surroundings. For further details in English, please scroll down the page.
インドのビジネススクール(インド経営大学院アーメダバード校)の学生とグループを組み、7日間英語を使って、フィールドワークやディスカッションなどを行い、解決策を考案していきます。プログラムの中では、アプリが簡単に作れるMIT App Inventorのワークショップやレゴ、最先端の調理器具を使った講義なども導入し、参加者のみなさんの発想を刺激します。
- 日時:2020年2月17日~2020年2月23日 (日)
- 場所:広島大学、竹原市忠海、大久野島
- 申し込み締切:2020年2月3日(月)17:00 厳守
- 定員:5名(先着順)
- 参加費:50,000円
February 17 – 23 | Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, JAPAN The “Rabbit Island” Food Challenge: Reframing Problems into Opportunities through Entrepreneurship
Emi Makino, Associate Professor, Hiroshima University
Tapish Bhatt, VP, Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship, IIM Ahmedabad
Additional special lecturers to be determined
Duration and Venue
February 17 (Mon) to February 23 (Sun), 2020
Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University and fieldwork in Tadanoumi, Okunoshima in Takehara-shi
Program Overview
Over the past few years, an idyllic, uninhabited island in Hiroshima has transformed into a global tourist destination. Hundreds of thousands of international and Japanese tourists cross the Setouchi Inland Sea by ferry to Ōkuno-shima for a single reason: the cute little bunny rabbits. Isolated from predators and well fed, the island is home to a growing population of rabbits that has become a magnet for animal-lovers and photographers alike. Despite the huge influx of people visiting “Rabbit Island” however, economic benefits to the surrounding towns have been minimal, due in part to a lack of dining and lodging options. At the same time, environmental experts are now sounding warnings against overfeeding by tourists, which they fear may be leading to an unsustainable rabbit population.
This 7-day program combines in-class education with on-site field experience for graduate participants to develop skills in ideation, prototyping and entrepreneurship. Participants will go into the community of Tadanoumi, the gateway town to “Rabbit Island” to engage in hands-on project work to design possible solutions to the issues and challenges regarding food and dining. The goal will be to reframe a problem into an opportunity using the principles of entrepreneurial thought and action. Participants will work in teams with Japanese and international participants from Hiroshima University to present a business idea at the end of the course. The course will feature workshops using innovative cooking appliances and Lego bricks to stimulate reflection and facilitate learning. Additional visits to local businesses and organizations will enable participants to talk to Japanese entrepreneurs about food-related innovation. In addition, participants will learn how to develop simple smartphone apps using the MIT App Inventor platform.
Lectures and groupwork will be conducted primarily in ENGLISH. Some limited Japanese-English language assistance will be provided as necessary, including translation for special lectures by Japanese speakers.
Participants and Eligibility
Accepting 15 participants from Hiroshima University
Students, faculty, researchers and staff affiliated with Hiroshima University are invited to apply and will be given preference over other applicants
Application Process and Deadline
Applications accepted online until 5pm, Tuesday December 24 (Japan Standard Time) from the following URL:http://bit.ly/6thentrep
Free of charge (Includes program fee, transport to and from field sites, and course materials. Participants are responsible for meals and incidentals.)
Note: As part of fieldwork, we may provide an opportunity to stay overnight in Takehara. If this is the case, cost of accommodation will be provided through the program.
General Schedule (subject to change)
Feb 3, 2020 | Application deadline |
Early February | Pre-program online orientation (1hr max) |
Day 1 (Feb 17) | Teambuilding (Workshop, Lectures and Cooking Exercise) |
Day 2 (Feb 18) | Planning and Tool Development (App Inventor Workshop and Groupwork) |
Day 3 (Feb 19) | Fieldwork Observation (All day in Tadanoumi, Okunoshima) |
Day 4 (Feb 20) | Ideation and Prototyping (Lectures and Groupwork) |
Day 5 (Feb 21) | Testing in the Field (All day in Tadanoumi and Takehara) |
Day 6 (Feb 22) | Final Presentation |
Day 7 (Feb 23) | Wrap up (Reflections and Farewell Lunch) |
For further information, please contact the Entrepreneurship Education Division by email: startup*hiroshima-u.ac.jp(Replace * with @)